Nominations Sought for Alumni Assn. Awards

Published on March 10, 2016

Know of someone deserving of an award from the Eastern Kentucky University International Alumni Association?

Nominate him or her for one of several awards to be presented by the Association this fall.

Nominations are sought for the following:

·         Hall of Distinguished Alumni Award, recognizing an EKU graduate who has achieved prominence professionally, made significant contributions to society, and actively served others, thus reflecting extraordinary credit to the University.

·         Alumni Achievement Award, recognizing an individual who attended (but did not graduate from) EKU and who has achieved prominence professionally, made significant contributions to society, and actively served others, thus reflecting extraordinary credit to the University.

·         Distinguished Service Award, recognizing an individual who has demonstrated exemplary service and accomplishment for the University and who shows outstanding devotion to EKU.

·         Young Alumni Award, recognizing an individual who graduated from EKU at least 10 years ago and is no older than 40. The recipient must have demonstrated exceptional talent in his or her profession and must be making significant contributions to his or her profession and society, thus bringing great credit to the University.

“We love learning about the wonderful things our alumni and are doing in their personal and professional pursuits, and welcome the opportunity to celebrate their successes in this very special way,” said Kari Martin, assistant vice president for alumni and donor engagement.

All nominations will be reviewed by the Alumni Awards and Recognition Committee, and the International Alumni Association Board will make the final decisions.

“One of the most important activities in which the Alumni Board can engage is recognizing the valuable, transformational and persistent contributions that alumni have made to their community and to their alma mater,” said Board President Tom Martin. “From the Young Alumni Award to the Hall of Distinguished Alumni – the highest recognition bestowed upon an alum – our Awards and Recognition Committee works the entire academic year to identify deserving alumni from an abundance of deserving candidates.”

Nominations may be submitted online at The deadline is Friday, April 1. All honorees will be recognized at a special alumni awards ceremony scheduled for EKU’s inaugural Homecoming and Reunion Weekend Oct. 21-23.

For more information, call 859-622-1260 or email