Regents Approve Resolution for Self-Management of Capital Construction Projects

Published on September 08, 2015

Eastern Kentucky University will now self-manage its capital construction projects.

Meeting in special session on Sept. 8, EKU’s Board of Regents approved a resolution authorizing the University to take the leading role in administration of all capital projects valued at more than $600,000. Previously, that role had been assumed by the Commonwealth’s Department for Facilities and Support Services, an administrative group within the Finance and Administration Cabinet. The University already had authority to manage projects up to $600,000. The action taken by the Board now awaits approval by a legislative committee.

“We want to be masters of our destiny,” said EKU President Michael Benson.

Paul Gannoe, the newly named director of capital construction and project administration at EKU, had served the past 11 years as executive director for the Commonwealth’s Office of Facility Development and Efficiency and, most recently, as deputy commissioner for the Department for Facilities and Support Services.

He said that the change will help EKU streamline procurement, decision making, approvals, accounting functions and most general administration functions, providing for faster and more efficient project delivery.

Gannoe said his office has recently hired additional personnel with experience in the management of capital projects. “The staff that is already in place has worked hand in hand with the Finance Cabinet to perform project administration tasks on projects over $600,000 and has managed many significant projects just under the $600,000 threshold.”

House Bill 622, enacted by the 1982 General Assembly and codified in the Kentucky Revised Statutes, authorized the governing boards of the state’s universities to elect to perform locally one or more of certain financial management functions previously performed by other parts of state government, including capital construction, and to delegate authority for implementation to an institution’s president.

In other business, the Board:

* Welcomed new members Craig King and Katie Scott. King is president and CEO of the R.J. Corman Railroad Group, LLC. Scott is the newly elected Student Government Association president. In addition, Nancy Collins was recently re-appointed to the Board.

* Re-elected its existing slate of officers: Ernie House, vice president; and David Tandy, secretary. Barry Poynter, vice president for finance and administration at EKU, will continue to serve as the Board’s treasurer. Craig Turner continues to serve as chair of the Board; that position is not up for consideration until January 2016.