Second Title in Parry Series Published

Published on February 24, 2017

The second book in Dr. Pam Parry’s series on Women in American Political History was just released by Lexington Books, a subsidiary of Rowman & Littlefield.

The 274-page book, titled “Gendered Politics: Campaign Strategies of California Women Candidates, 1912–1970,” was written by Dr. Linda Van Ingen of the University of Nebraska-Kearney. Parry, interim chair of the Department of Communication at Eastern Kentucky University and associate professor of public relations, is co-editing the series with Dr. David R. Davies of the University of Southern Mississippi.

“When I was completing my doctorate from Southern Miss, I discovered that the historiography of women’s contributions to American history has been neglected,” said Parry, who specializes in media history and political communication. “Lexington Books asked me to create a book series, and I knew immediately what topic I wanted to cover and who I wanted as my co-editor – my former dissertation chair.”

Parry’s relationship with Lexington Books began in 2014 when the publisher released her first academic book, “Eisenhower: The Public Relations President,” which was originally her dissertation. This book was successful enough that it was later released in paperback.

Parry created the series and recruited her co-editor; she and Davies recruited a national editorial board to oversee the series, as well as the contributing authors. The first book, “Press Portrayals of Women Politicians, 1870s–2000s: From ‘Lunatic’ Woodhull to ‘Polarizing’ Palin,” was released in November 2015. Written by Dr. Teri Finneman of South Dakota State University, the first book was a finalist for the Frank Luther Mott Award, a prestigious national book award.

This book is slated to be released in paperback in May.

Parry and Davies spent 2016 editing three manuscripts, including the one released in February. The next two books in the series – “Eleanor Roosevelt, Puerto Rico, and Political Journalism in Washington” and “Women Politicking Politely: Advancing Feminism in the 1960s and 1970s”are scheduled to be released in April.

Parry is under contract to author one of the books in the series, “Ike and Gender: Changing the Face of Politics,” scheduled for release in 2018.

For more information about the series, visit