SGA President Desires Improved Accessibility

Published on June 30, 2022

Newly-elected Eastern Kentucky University Student Government Association (SGA) President Paige Murphy said one of the most important goals for her administration is to improve accessibility on campus. 

“We want to ensure all students have the ability to have a true Eastern experience,” Murphy said.

Murphy said she and her vice presidential running mate, Travis Pendygraft, were made aware of accessibility issues during their campaign by a Deaf student. 

“Case Dining Hall is our largest focus,” she said. “We want to ensure all staff in Case are equipped to interact with the Deaf and hard-of-hearing community.”

Part of the Eastern experience for Murphy includes the family atmosphere she feels as a student. 

“I have not come into contact with a single faculty or staff member that did not make me feel as if I was being genuinely heard and cared for,” she said. “I hope every student who comes here experiences that.” 

Additionally, the organization plans to restructure its constitution and bylaws to encourage improved student representation. 

A member of SGA since her freshman year, Murphy said that SGA has brought some of her closest friends and best college memories. 

“Being involved on campus is one of the most important things you can do as a student,” she said. “Of course your homework should always come first, but being a part of clubs and organizations on campus is what makes college some of the most fun years of your life.” 

The history education major from Louisville is a member of Kappa Delta Sorority and is active in her local church. 

For more information about SGA, visit