TRC Hosts Visitors from Georgia

Published on November 05, 2015

EKU’s Training Resource Center recently hosted visitors from Georgia State University’s Andrew Young School of Policy Studies, School of Social Work and the Georgia Department of Human Services, Division of Family and Children Services.

Georgia sought out EKU to learn more about the University Training Consortium (UTC), Kentucky’s unique partnership between 13 institutions of higher education and the Cabinet for Health and Family Services, Department for Community Based Services (DCBS). Georgia is currently in the process of creating a university-based system similar to the UTC to provide high quality education and professional development to their public child welfare workforce. 

UTC and DCBS staff spent the day sharing information with Georgia representatives related to the Public Child Welfare Certification Program (PCWCP) and the Credit for Learning (CFL) program (Protection & Permanency New Employee Academy and the Advanced Supervisor Series), as well as general administrative activities including proposal development, sub-contracting with university partners, funding streams, budgeting, evaluation, course development, recordkeeping, and oversight.  

To learn more about EKU’s Training Resource Center, visit