Development, Alumni Launch New Websites

Published on March 02, 2016

Calling all Colonels: Keeping up with and supporting your alma mater and staying in touch with your former classmates at Eastern Kentucky University has never been easier.

The EKU Office of Development and Alumni Relations recently launched two radically redesigned and integrated websites aimed at better engaging graduates, donors and friends in the life of the University.

Want to keep up with the latest campus news, including athletics? See a list of all upcoming alumni events and activities, maybe in your area? Connect with a classmate with whom you had lost touch? Update your own profile and communicate that promotion or achievement? Take advantage of resources available to alumni? Or maybe see how you can assist your alma mater, with either your time, talents or treasure? It’s all at

Want to learn about philanthropic opportunities focused on EKU people, places and programs? See how your passions might serve the advancement of the University and how your gifts, large and small, impact the Eastern Experience? Learn more about the EKU Foundation? Make a gift or update your profile as a friend or donor? It’s all at

“This is just part of our ongoing effort to communicate with and engage our alumni, friends and donors like never before,” said Nick Perlick, vice president for development and alumni relations. “It’s an exciting time at the University, a time of progress on many fronts, and there are many opportunities to join in the effort as we continue with ambitious plans to transform the Eastern Experience and the lives of our students.”

In conjunction with the launch, the Office was giving promotional gifts to the first 500 alumni to complete profiles at

Alumni can also stay connected as a #ForeverColonel on Twitter (@EKUalums), Instagram (@ekualums) or Facebook (