RMI Students Take Classroom to London

Published on June 27, 2022

Students studying risk management and insurance (RMI) at Eastern Kentucky University spent time in London, England, at the end of the spring semester studying the insurance and reinsurance markets. 

The group visited a variety of insurance brokers such as Marsh, Guy Carpenter and Assured Partners, and a team of underwriters from Lloyd’s of London. These businesses primarily are involved with Kentucky-related industries or who provide solutions for unique risks, perfect for students wanting to learn more about the insurance industry.

“I learned more about my future career,” said Camden Ritchie, a junior risk management and insurance major with a minor in sales from Frankfort. “One thing that I learned from those professionals is that I should find a specialty in insurance that I am interested in and focus on that.”

Members of EKU’s RMI Advisory Board helped professor Dr. Lisa Gardner arrange company visits. The study abroad trip to London is one of two available through the RMI program. 

“I learned the importance of relationships in the insurance industry,” said Benjamin Kibiloski, a May graduate of the program from Crestwood. “The relationships an insurance broker or underwriter often have an influence on the deals they make, so it is important for a professional to keep up with their network and to constantly make new connections.” 

The trip provided students an opportunity to enjoy a culture different from the American one.

“I found that going out on the town, riding the Tube and other public transportation and just participating in everyday life there provided the most culturally enriching experiences,” Kibiloski said. 

Going to a musical and partaking in traditional afternoon English tea were two memorable moments for Ritchie.

For more information about EKU’s risk management and insurance program, visit insurance.eku.edu.