Stories @ EKU - Programs
An expert on crimes of power will address “Donald Trump, ‘Crimigration’ and the Future of Human Rights: An Alternative Vision”...
The third biennial “Living with Animals” international conference at EKU will center on animals in art and living with horses.
One of the most accomplished coaches in the rich history of EKU athletics and the Ohio Valley Conference, Sandy Martin, will be...
Want to travel around the world in one evening? For the 31st consecutive year, international students at EKU will share their...
How can contemporary art show us new ways to better view and understand animal life? Dr. Steve Baker will answer that question...
EKU faculty member Dr. Minh Nguyen is one of 12 educators nationally selected by the National Collegiate Honors Council (NCHC)...
EKU junior Buddy Tyree finds solace in his own music, University Singers.
The second book in Dr. Pam Parry’s series on Women in American Political History was just released by Lexington Books, a...
All six students in the advanced cohort of EKU’s doctoral degree program in clinical psychology have been “matched” to...
At the conclusion of a site visit by a team representing the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on...
For the 20th consecutive year, the Empty Bowls Project is helping to put food on the table for hungry people in Madison County.
EKU faculty member Dr. Lisa Day will discuss women’s art of the Italian Renaissance on Thursday, March 2, continuing EKU’s year...
One night, Austin Shepherd was scrolling through Facebook when he read a post from the president of the Kentucky Pediatric...
Four Faculty Innovators at EKU recently conducted professional development sessions for Baptist Health Lexington.
Mark Twain once said, “The two most important days in your life are the day you were born and the day you find out why.” It...
Three new programs are wowing visitors of all ages at EKU’s Hummel Planetarium.
EKU will offer a master’s degree in industrial-organizational psychology as an online program beginning in Fall 2017.
A commitment to energy conservation is paying big dividends for Eastern. Through its participation in the Large Commercial...