Stories @ EKU - Programs
When her infant daughter was hospitalized for two weeks in Lexington with bacterial meningitis, Rachel Staples didn’t need any...
The Eastern Kentucky University Choirs will present their fall concert on Tuesday, Oct. 11, at 7:30 p.m. at the EKU Center for...
Model Laboratory middle and high schools each rank among the top 10 in the state at their respective levels, according to the...
Jason Rainey, assistant director and management consultant for the Kentucky Small Business Development Center at EKU, has...
Dr. Eric Meiners, associate professor of communication studies at EKU, was appointed by the Kentucky Communication Association...
A man known by many as “the world’s happiest philosopher” will share his wisdom at EKU when he presents the inaugural Ron...
EKU football player Avery Pitt is a semifinalist for the 2016 William V. Campbell Trophy presented by Fidelity Investments....
Two EKU chapter officers have been selected to serve the national Delta Tau Alpha agriculture honor society for 2016-17.
EKU continues to offer upper-division criminal justice courses in classrooms on the campus of Somerset Community College.
How better to teach youth about economics and give them the skills for lifelong learning than with chocolate? The EKU Center...
Eastern Kentucky University Theatre will open its 2016-17 season with the presentation Sept. 28-Oct. 1 of “Searching for Eden:...
The theme for this year’s Chautauqua Lecture Series at EKU is “Order and Chaos,” and no speaker embodies that duality quite...
EKU Campus Recreation has launched an adaptive climbing program to assist students with disabilities.
Dr. Pam Parry, interim chair of the Department of Communication at EKU, recently received the Applegate Award for Excellence in...
The four-year graduation rate at EKU has nearly doubled in the past seven years.
He taught music theory and composition at Eastern for almost four decades, taking a “special interest” in his students’ success...
Eleven EKU students, accompanied by two faculty members, were among the 74 volunteers who fanned out across eastern Kentucky...
A photo of EKU’s Keene Hall graces the cover of the September-October issue of Talking Stick, published by the Association of...