Stories @ EKU - Diversity
The Center for Inclusive Excellence and Global Engagement and the Division of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Student Life at...
When Ricky Gordon, ’91 ’20, realized he had been giving to the Ricky and Christian Joelle Gordon Endowed Diversity Scholarship...
The first event of EKU Libraries' "From Postcards to Hashtags" speaking series was moderated by Dr. Ogechi Anyanwu with guest...
EKU Baseball head coach Edwin Thompson will join the MLB Tonight Special which begins at 6 p.m. ET. The show will feature...
Dr. Dannie Moore has been named the new Vice President for Strategic Initiatives and Chief Diversity, Equity and Inclusion...
The four-year graduation rate at EKU continues its steady rise, and has now more than doubled in an eight-year span. Roughly...
Seven years ago, Stephen Jones stepped outside his west Louisville home and was grazed by a bullet from a drive-by shooter....
Don’t just recognize difference. Make a difference. That was the advice keynote speaker Dr. Roger Cleveland offered at the 11th...
Bobby Verdugo and Yoli Rios met in high school and soon found themselves leading the historic 1968 high school walkouts in East...
An EKU faculty member is the editor of a new book, “Campus Diversity Triumphs: Valleys of Hope.” Dr. Sherwood Thompson said he...
EKU has received the 2018 Higher Education Excellence in Diversity Award from Insight into Diversity magazine for the third...
The College of Science at EKU launched a science and math summer camp this year to engage high school students in using tools...
In Spanish, “Camino” means path. And, at the graduation banquet for the inaugural Camino to Success summer camp at EKU, it was...
Twenty-five Madison County middle school students are attending the Call Me Mister Student Success Academic Leadership Academy...
EKU’s Diversity Office and the Noel Studio for Academic Creativity have collaborated on a new Summer Scholars program to...
EKU fares well in several categories in the annual progress report released recently by the Kentucky Council on Postsecondary...
EKU will celebrate the scholarship of discovery, integration application, teaching and learning, and creative endeavors across...
“Intentionality” seemed to be the buzzword at a meeting of the Eastern Kentucky University Board of Regents on Monday, Feb. 26.